Realitatea augmentată : ce este nou pentru 2023?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital information on the physical world, creating an enhanced user experience. Over the past few years, AR has been gaining adoption across various industries and businesses. However, with the continuous innovation and development in technology, what can we expect from AR in 2023 and beyond? The Evolution […]

Realitatea mixtă

Descoperiți posibilitățile infinite ale realității mixte în cel mai recent articol al nostru.

Producătorul de filtre Instagram pe Spark AR

An Instagram filter designer is a 2D and 3D designer who knows how to master Spark AR. In addition to being a designer he must master Javascript code as well as module-based programming. This is required to be able to create interactive Instagram filters rich in animations and interactions. _________________________________ I’m Bastien, Spark AR creator […]

Filtru de marcă Instagran - Ghid complet

Instagram filters using augmented reality for branding. Augmented reality is becoming more and more present in our lives. As a reminder, it differs from virtual reality by making different elements appear around us via the camera of our smartphone. Users of augmented reality have almost doubled in the last three years. Creating its branded Instagram […]