Instagran-filter med varumärke - den fullständiga guiden

Instagram filters using augmented reality for branding.

Augmented reality is becoming more and more present in our lives. As a reminder, it differs from virtual reality by making different elements appear around us via the camera of our smartphone. Users of augmented reality have almost doubled in the last three years. Creating its branded Instagram filter in augmented reality plays on these figures.

The media talks about Augmented Reality

  • Global augmented reality revenues will grow from $1.96 million to $27.4 million by 2023. Source: AR Insider
    Source: AR Insider
  • Purchase conversion from augmented reality is up over 90% for engaged experience consumers. Source: Retail Customer Experience
    Source: Retail Customer Experience
  • 64% of marketing agencies are planning or currently using augmented reality to promote products.
    Source: The Drum
  • L’Oreal E-Commerce has increased sales by 49% since 2019 with live and augmented reality product try-ons. Source: Retail touchpoints
    Source: Retail touchpoints

A new audience

That’s it, filters bypass classic advertising on social networks. Users easily spot classic ads, that’s a fact. The impact of these ads becomes less and less strong, especially with ad blockers. As a brand, having a personalized Instagram filter that highlights your product or services is a considerable advantage. It allows you to have a consistent impact without having to resort to ads. A whole new audience will therefore be offered to you and your brand awareness will increase. Indeed, your public will see you in a new light, original, fresh and fashionable.


Your branded filter on Instagram

First of all, let’s talk about Instagram. For a brand, having its branded Instagram filter is a must compared to other social networks such as Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok. Indeed, Instagram has a very large and active community compared to its competitors. Not to mention that its number is growing and reaches a very wide age range. Young people are now using Instagarm more than Facebook. Facebook has a slightly older audience.

There are different ways to access an Instagram filter, here they are:

  • Go to the brand’s profile. A filter tab will appear next to “reels”, “post”, …
  • When you view a story made with a filter, you can open it with the link at the top left of the screen.
  • Story sharing contests using filters are a great way to make your filter go viral.
  • You can also print or share a URL that will open your branded Instagram filter directly.

Your branded filter on Facebook

Next, let’s talk about brand filters published on Facebook. A branded Instagram filter is adaptable on the Facebook platform instantly. On Snapchat, however, you have to use another platform and redo the filter from scratch. A filter published on Facebook is not as easily accessible as on Instagram.

Sure, when seeing a story made with a brand’s Instagram or Facebook filter, the link at the top left appears. But we don’t have a “filters” tab on the brand’s Facebook page like on Instagram. However, there is a subtlety for brands that does not exist on the Instagram side. Indeed, it often happens that brands want to promote a product or service via a web page.

Good news, we can link an Instagram or Facebook filter directly to a Facebook Ads. This way, the user will see a demo video of the filter as a Facebook Ads in his Facebook News Feed (and not in the Facebook stories). When this ad is clicked, the brand’s Facebook or Instagram filter (because it’s the same) will open directly in Facebook. At the end of the augmented reality experience through the filter, a Learn More button appears. This is precisely what we are interested in! In fact, this button opens a full screen popup for which we can fill in an external URL. As you can see, this is precisely where you will highlight a product for sale or a service of your brand.

Your branded filter on Snapchat

Let’s now tackle branded filters on Snapchat. In Europe, Instagram clearly dominates, but a large community of young people are still on Snapchat. We recommend publishing a Snapchat filter or Lens in addition to an Instagram filter for your brand. This way you will engage a larger audience. This technique is often used for larger social media campaigns.

It is also good to know that Snapchat filters offer more possibilities than Instagram and Facebook filters. Indeed, it is possible to use the “machine learning” so artificial intelligence, inside Snapchat. A practical use for a brand of shoes for example, would be to be able to see and try them on his feet directly through the camera of the smartphone. Other features are available, do not hesitate to ask us your questions by mail.

Your branded filter on TikTok

Finally, let’s talk about branded filters for TikTok. TikTok is a rather special social network. Indeed, the audience is very young. TikTok became famous thanks to a continuous video feed that pushes some videos to make the buzz. This video feed is filled with challenges or funny videos or dance videos. Creating a filter for TikTok should therefore fit into this logic of buzz and young audience. A TikTok filter must therefore surf on a current buzz to be able to appear in this famous “feed” of streaming video, which will make it viral. Also, the TikTok community likes to create. This filter must therefore be aimed at a young audience that wants to make creative content using the filter.

What type of filter for my brand?

Are you convinced that your brand needs an Instagram filter too? That it could give you a boost on social media? Now the question can be asked, what kind of filter would fit your brand?

First of all forget about having a filter with just your logo on it. Filter users will never share this type of filter in their story. Instead, focus on questioning and creatively researching the product and the message you want to get across. We’ll be happy to help you out and offer different ideas that have worked with our previous filters.

How much does a filter cost for a brand?

You’re probably wondering what budget to spend on a filter and how much an Instagram filter costs?

Filtre Experience offers you the classic filter of the random roulette or the “scroll draw” at 800€ht. This type of filter is simple but can be viral if it is consistent with a campaign.

To go further, we can disguise the user with the image of your brand, using 2D or 3D elements. These filters are in a range between 1000 and 2500€.

Finally it is possible to make mini-games inside a filter. This type of filter is very engaging and will be around 3000€ht.

Filter Experience strives to offer you the fairest and most advantageous price for you, depending on the type of filter requested. We will be happy to think and find together an idea of viral filter that will bring you a whole new audience on social networks!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email.

branded Instagram filter
Smartphone Mobile” by CC0 1.0

Ditt filter i 4 steg


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